Create data relationship between TAGS and Lillian's photos of projects

My Skill Building Session:


What did I do?

Create data relationship between TAGS and Lillian's photos of projects.

Why did I do it?

To make it easier for Lillian to ship her projects to friends.

How did I do it?

The Plan

S - See: toppings are not on pizzas in GraphQL
A - Array: Add array to pizza.js in Sanity

N - Nodes: toppings are now on pizzas in GraphQL

Look at these steps later:

I - Into my webapp with GraphQL

T - Treasure: TBD
Y - Yeah: Toppings can be linked in my web app after copy-pasting some Wes Bos wizardry.

The Steps

S - See: toppings are not on pizzas in GraphQL or in GraphiQL

// ToppingsFilter.js
// How do I get a list of all the pizzas with their toppings?
const { pizzas } = useStaticQuery(graphql`
  query {
    pizzas: allSanityPizza {
      nodes {
        // 👁️ Look no "toppings" here 👀
      slug {

A - Array: Add array to pizza.js in Sanity

I added this code to my pizza.js. in Sanity

// schemas/pizza.js
    name: 'toppings',
    title: 'Toppings and Tools and Tags of Pirate Princess Lillian (6 🏴‍☠️👸)',
    type: 'array',
    of: [{ type: 'reference', to: [{ type: 'topping' }] }],

N - Nodes: toppings are now on pizzas in GraphQL

I looked in my GraphiQL and copy-pasted the new query into ToppingsFilter.js

// Rubys-TimeShip/src/components/ToppingsFilter.js
// This is how do I get a list of all the Pizzas with their toppings!
const { pizzas } = useStaticQuery(graphql`
  query {
    pizzas: allSanityPizza {
      nodes {
        toppings {
        slug {

And that's enough steps for this week!

Pirate Princess Lillian joined me at the beginning of Sunday's skill building session on youtube.

If you would like to see how the web app will look in the end jump to the 20 minute mark.

Keep your skill-building-submarine afloat this week!

Cap'n Ola Vea

PS: If you feel like doing me a favour give me a smiley emoji comment to feed my youtube algo some vitamins.

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