This week around the Gatsby islands

This week I plan to get a good chunk of work done on the next version of the gatsby-remark-oembed plugin.

If you have any questions about markdown + oEmbed, let me know!
It will most likely be the focus of this week's email.

Other than that, I intend to enjoy springtime in the city 😎

Our streaming schedule this week

🔴 🏴‍☠️ Gatsby Plugin (gatsby-remark-oembed) work session · #GatsbyJS Deep Dive
— Thursday, April 28th @ 19:00 CEST

Other events Virtual Meetup - April 2022)
— Wednesday, April 27th @ 19:00 CEST

Why Headless, Why Now - With Gatsby & Contentful (Gatsby Webinar)
— Thursday, April 28th @ 17:00 CEST

All the best,
Queen Raae

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