This week around the Gatsby islands

It's not Monday, but I live in a long and "krokete" country, so the powers that be extended easter by one day way back when.

Since there were a lot of mountains in between these churches, the gov't added an extra day off so that the priests would have time enough to visit all villages 😅

I am so ready to get back into the comfortable routine of everyday life after my month of traveling!

This spring, I am planning to overhaul my first ever Gatsby project: gatsby-remark-oembed — a plugin that transforms stand alone links into its oEmbed HTML counterpart.

Would you like to get involved?

Or maybe you have your own Gatsby-related Spring plans?
Let me know, and I might share it with the list 🎁

Last week Gatsby released v4.12. Mostly bug fixes, but also two interesting RFC (Request for Comments):

So if you have any options on that, jump in with a comment.

Our streaming schedule this week

🔴 🏴‍☠️ Related content the #GatsbyJS Way using a custom GraphQL resolver · #GatsbyJS Deep Dive
— Thursday, April 21st @ 19:00 CEST

Other events

Generate Dynamic Images with node-canvas (Learn with Jason)
— Tuesday, April 19th @ 19:30 CEST

All the ways! [to build a website] with Rick Hood (Jamstack Boston)
— Tuesday, April 20th @ Midnight CEST

All the best,
Queen Raae

PS: Send me your events, projects, etc., so I can showcase them to the list!

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