This week around the Gatsby islands

After a super social summer and late summer, we are planning a week of quiet and calm. Ready to slow down a little for the fall season before heading out to meet people in November for JamstackConf and Modern Frontends.

Last week Gatsby released an alpha version of Gatsby v5. I, for one, am excited to see what is in store for this version!

Pirate Arisa of Storyblok announced their reworked ultimate Gatsby series.

Woohoo🥳 I’m so happy to announce this series… Gataby & @storyblok ultimate tutorial series🎉 We reviewed the major framework tutorials and renewed into a bite-size series🧁 Let us know how you like it😎 P.S. great job, @patrickodey_ 😁

And this week is our last unauthorized and rum-fueled treasure hunt without a guest for a while. Let me know if you have any special requests!

Our streaming schedule this week

🔴 🏴‍☠️ Unauthorized and rum-fueled treasure hunt · #GatsbyJS Deep Dive
— Thursday, September 8th @ 19:00 CEST

Other events

Advanced TypeScript: Let's Learn Generics! (Learn with Jason)
— Tuesday, September 6th @ 19:30 CEST

Let's Learn Auth0 Actions! (Learn with Jason)
— Thursday, September 8th @ 18:30 CEST


All the best,
Queen Raae

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