This week around the Gatsby islands

This week Cam Sloan climbs onboard, and we'll use his product Hopscotch to add a product tour to Prune your follows. I think this will be a fun one!

Lillian and I had an action-packed week of family fun in Heidelberg last week. But I also got some grown-up time with Mirjam, who you might know from our Conference Buddy streams last Christmas. Check out the playlist on YouTube. We forgot to take a picture, so did it really happen?!

Ola, on the other hand, went sailing again ⛵️

Screengrab of Ola's tweet with photos from sailing

Also, Gatsby released v4.24 at the end of September.

Our streaming schedule this week

🔴 🏴‍☠️ Gatsby + Hopscotch with Hopscotch founder Cam Sloan · #GatsbyJS Deep Dive
— Thursday, October 13th @ 19:00 CEST

Other events

React Router 6.4 with Ryan Florence (Learn with Jason)
— Tuesday, October 11th @ 19:30 CEST


All the best,
Queen Raae


PS: What are your thoughts on the new meme approach to social media Gatsby is taking?

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