Could a croco-clock 🐊-⏲️ help you to focus like a pirate?

Ahoy, skill-builder pirate of Jamstackia!

In my last letter, we looked into Don't let Distraction Diaz distract you. Today, I'll show you my favorite focus tool to determine when your sub-task practice session is done. It's my great-grandfather Captain Crook's croco clock. 🐊 ⏲️ We'll look at:

What a croco-clock is, Why it can help you focus and How you use it.

WHAT is a croco-clock 🐊 ⏲️ ?

A croco-clock 🐊 can be an egg clock ⏲️ that goes ARRR! when your sub-task practice session is done.

Then you can stop

Sketch of Captain Croc

WHY could a croco-clock 🐊-⏲️ help you to focus like a pirate?

Firstly you decide to automate your sub-task into your dev-brain. This is good for your focus.

Secondly, by starting your croco-clock 🐊-⏲️ you confirm to yourself your decision to automate your sub-task into your dev-brain

Thirdly, the clock is literally ticking, and you know you have this ONE practice session to automate your sub-task into your dev-brain.

HOW do you use your croco-clock 🐊-⏲️ ?

  1. You set your croco-clock 🐊-⏲️ to for example, 96 minutes
  2. And place it in another room, especially if you are using your cellphone
  3. You do your sub-task in exactly the same way again and again
  4. Keep doing your sub-task again and again until your croco-clock 🐊-⏲️ goes ARRR! even past the point, you feel you are already doing your sub-task 96%-reliably
  5. Because you're a practice pirate and this sub-task will be YOUR treasure only when you have it automated into your dev-brain

Yo-Ho-Ho and a bottle of GO! 😺


Write up a sentence about your croco-clock 🐊-⏲️ experiments and email it to Lillian (7 πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈπŸ‘Έ) and me; that would help us a lot!

πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈπŸ˜ΊπŸ‘


Stay piraty πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈπŸ˜ΊπŸ‘ and keep practicing!
Cap'n Ola Vea


PS: The next letter will be about "The Again Logbook."

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