Could The Again Logbook πŸ“• help you to do your sub-task again and again?

Ahoy, skill-builder pirate of Jamstackia!

πŸ‘‹πŸ˜ΈπŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ

We looked into "my favorite focus tool to find out when your sub-task practice session is done, the croco-clock 🐊-⏲️" in my last letter. Today I'll show you The Again Logbook πŸ“•.

We'll look at:

  • What The Again Logbook πŸ“• is,
  • Why it can help you to do your sub-task again and again
  • How you use The Again Logbook πŸ“•

WHAT is The Again Logbook πŸ“•?

The Again Logbook can be a little red notebook. Here is mine; the Queen bought it for me in Greece.


WHY could The Again Logbook πŸ“• help you to do your sub-task again and again?

Firstly you decide to automate your sub-task into your dev-brain. This is good for your motivation. Your personal value increases with each sub-task you have automated into your dev-brain.

Secondly, by deciding to do your sub-task six times, or whatever you choose, you confirm to yourself your decision to automate your sub-task into your dev-brain.

Thirdly, if you give up before you have done your sub-task six times you loose.

HOW do you use your Again Logbook? πŸ“•

  1. Set your croco-clock 🐊-⏲️ to, for example 96 minutes
  2. Make a row of tiny squares, as many as the repetitions you decided on
  3. Each time you finish your sub-task, turn one tiny square into an "!"
  4. Keep doing your sub-task again and again until your croco-clock 🐊-⏲️ goes ARRR! even past your six times, but keep making a new "!" each time
  5. Because doing them more times than you planned feels like winning


Yo-Ho-Ho and a bottle of GO! 😺


Try it out and send Lillian (7 πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈπŸ‘Έ) and me a sentence about your Again Logbook πŸ“• experiments.

πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈπŸ˜ΊπŸ‘


Stay piraty πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈπŸ˜ΊπŸ‘ and keep practicing!
Cap'n Ola Vea

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