Godt nyttår 🎉 Happy New Year

It's 2023. Are you ready?

The Pirate Princess most definitely is ✨

The Pirate Princess holding sparkles looking ready for 2023

I started the year by creating a Discord bot. The bot lets the Yoga Pirates track their days on the mat in 2023 🧘‍♀️🧘🏽‍♂️ If you'd like to join our little yoga accountability group, let me know!

Discord always makes me feel like I'm this guy 👇


But I am doing my best to embrace the platform 🤪

Prune your follows did well over the break with an article in Tech Crunch, crossing 10.0000 unfollows facilitated and being blocked by Twitter more than I'd like to admit 🤯

This week's Treasure Hunt

🔴 🏴‍☠️ Track outgoing links with Fathom for Prune your follows
— Thursday, January 5th @ 19:00 CET

Future royal visits

Speaker @ TheJam.dev 2023 (cfe.dev)
— January 15th and 16th


All the best,
Queen Raae

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