Woop woop πŸŽ‰ Officially a Developer Advocate πŸ₯‘

You might have seen it from a mile away, but it took me a long time to embrace, accept, lean into, or whatever it was, that my ideal role in this industry is as a Developer Advocate πŸ₯‘

And just as I did, the opportunity of a lifetime came along. I am joining Outseta, the all-in-one membership software, as a fractional Developer Advocate.

I'll be earning a salary and equity per Outseta's unique approach to compensation and ownership.

Have you not always been in Developer Relations? You might ask.

Many folks assumed I worked for Gatsby in some Developer Relations capacity. I did not πŸ˜†

But we created Prune your Follows in public in partnership with Xata and are now producing a podcast for them. So you could say it's been written in the stars for a few months now, and accepting the position unlocked this memory for me:

September 2018, I finished the sentence: "In five years I'll be" with "a Developer Advocate" for my uni reunion. Then life, side projects, and becoming a Gatsby authority happened. But here we are four and a half years later, and I am Outseta's fractional Developer Advocate πŸŽ‰

So while it hasn't felt intentional, who knows how these things fall into place πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ


All the best,
Queen Raae

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