This week around the Gatsby islands

We are excited to be doing some more work on Cloudinary's Gatsby Plugins this fall, and on Thursday, legendary Colby Fayock of Space Jelly (and Cloudinary) will be joining the unauthorized and rum-fueled treasure hunts in the sharky waters around the Gatsby islands.

Thinking about JamstackConf? I have two 50% off coupons, let me know if you want one!

And on that note, should I wear my national costume for my talk?
Photo of said costume so you know what I am talking about ↓

Photo of the family in national costumes ++ on 17th of May

In less self absorbent news:

Gatsby released v4.23 last week with some bugfixes, but also a Request for Comments (RFC) on the Slices API that makes rebuilds happen on a component level.

In addition, v5 is in the works 🎉

Check out the Umbrella Discussion on all things v5 on GitHub and the Partial Hydration demo by Ward Peters on YouTube via Twitter. We need to get Ward Peters back on the show because this is game-changing 🤯

Our streaming schedule this week

🔴 🏴‍☠️ Working on the Cloudinary Gatsby Plugins with Colby Fayock
— Thursday, September 22nd @ 19:00 CEST


All the best,
Queen Raae

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