We broke Twitter (kind of) with our launch

Thank you, thank you, thank you ๐Ÿ™

We are in awe of all the support for Prune your Follows, and I guess us ๐Ÿฅฐ

The launch went so well that Twitter was not having it. After just a couple of hours, Prune your Follows had facilitated over 500 unfollows, and Twitter cut off our access ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

Giving most users of Prune your Follows this experience:

Alert for most users asking them to come back tomorrow

Even so, we claimed the 13th spot on Product Hunt that day ๐Ÿ’ช

Some highlights:

Usage summery: 344 User and 5200 unfollows facilitated

And a huge thank you to all that retweeted and an extra huge thanks those that quote tweeted (or made your own tweets): @SoftwareSocPod, @nathanjpowellUX, @alexf_19, @kafarina_, @JudoHacker, @CasJam, @colbyfayock, @EmmettNaughton, @jonathanstark, @gtchakama, @jamesqquick, @spences10, @aremu_smog and @xata.

All outstanding accounts you should follow, by the way.

In 2023 we plan to improve Prune your Follows. It's all open source made with Gatsby + Next Auth + Xata + Tailwind. If you would like to contribute, let us know!


All the best,
Queen Raae

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