Source YouTube information using oEmbed, no YouTube API Key needed

In yesterday's unauthorized and rum-fueled treasure hunts in the sharky waters around the Gatsby islands, we looked closely at sourcing content nodes with data from the YouTube oEmbed endpoint.

oEmbed is likely one of the most underappreciated concepts of the open web. I first encountered it when WordPress added support back in my uni days; let's just say it been awhile 👵

A simple yet powerful concept that I think would benefit from more awareness.

Have you heard about or used oEmbed before?

oEmbed Examples

A provider: YouTube, SoundCloud, Issuu, Flickr, or your blog provides an oEmbed endpoint that accepts at a minimum an URL and returns embeddable content in return.

A GET request to returns:

  "version": "1.0",
  "type": "photo",
  "width": 240,
  "height": 160,
  "title": "ZB8T0193",
  "url": "",
  "author_name": "Bees",
  "author_url": "",
  "provider_name": "Flickr",
  "provider_url": ""

Or more interestingly in our case, a GET Request to returns:

  "title": "Celebrating POW! (  \u00b7  A day in my life as a developer, founder and mom  \u00b7  March 2021",
  "author_name": "Queen Raae",
  "author_url": "",
  "type": "video",
  "height": 113,
  "width": 200,
  "version": "1.0",
  "provider_name": "YouTube",
  "provider_url": "",
  "thumbnail_height": 360,
  "thumbnail_width": 480,
  "thumbnail_url": "",
  "html": "\u003ciframe width=\u0022200\u0022 height=\u0022113\u0022 src=\u0022\u0022 frameborder=\u00220\u0022 allow=\u0022accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture\u0022 allowfullscreen\u003e\u003c/iframe\u003e"

Take note of html on the YouTube response; it's all you need to embed a YouTube player to your site.

Sourcing nodes with oEmbed data

In Gatsby land, we can use oEmbed to ensure we have the correct embed snippet and/or the current title for our YouTube videos.

We do so by using the gatsby-node.js hook sourceNodes where we create one content node per YouTube video and add the information from the oEmbed endpoint onto the node.

// gatsby-node.js
// Full code without error handling

const axios = require("axios");

const YOUTUBE_IDS = ["Bk1jonYPFD4", "TzJfepDjpzM"];

const fetchEmbed = async (id) => {
  const ytUrl = `${id}`;
  const { data } = await axios.get("", {
    params: {
      url: ytUrl,
  return data;

const prepYouTubeNode = async (
  { actions: { createNode }, createNodeId, createContentDigest }
) => {
  const embedData = await fetchEmbed(id);

    id: createNodeId(`you-tube-${id}`),
    oEmbed: embedData,
    internal: {
      type: `YouTube`,
      contentDigest: createContentDigest(embedData),

exports.sourceNodes = async (params) => {
  await Promise.all( => prepYouTubeNode(id, params)));

Would you like to see this code refactored into a plugin?

All the best,
Queen Raae

PS: The Pirate Princess and I woke up in this magical tree top hut today...

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