Client-side only routes with Gatsby

The Gatsby Conf announcement reminded me of how this whole YouTube thing started. In April of 2020, I got asked if I wanted to submit a talk for Gatsby Virtual Days. I did, and Gatsby sent over a microphone, and a ring light... and the rest, as they say, is history 🤪

The talk walks you through how to create client-side only routes for authenticated users in Gatsby, following the approach found in the Gatsby Docs.

YouTube Thumbnail

These days I like to generate a skeleton version of even these pages statically, then sprinkle in the user-specific data when it's loaded and ready. However, the above is still valid and is an excellent approach when converting an existing React app to Gatsby!

Have you used Gatsby in a more app-like project?
Let me know!

All the best,
Queen Raae

PS: Tonight we are helping Mirjam with the Conference Buddy v2 authentication flow, not tags as previously announced in Monday's email.

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